How to relax after a stressful day

We live in a society where we constantly work hard and for many hours. Some people work customer service, others doing physical labor, other run businesses. No matter what it is you do we all get to the point where we feel either drained or burnt out. It is important that we pay attention to our body as it lets us know what it needs. When people think about relaxing they think about going to the spa or going on vacation. The reality is that not everyone can afford to do that. It is important that we learn to relax after we have had a stressful day. We owe it to ourselves to do that. Below is a list of a few ways that you can relax after a stressful day.

  1. Read a book
  2. Take a nap
  3. Use a journal so that you can express how you feel
  4. Find a coloring book you like and lose yourself in it. (They are no just for kids)
  5. If you like to garden go out into your garden.
  6. Take a bath ( If you use candles for ambiance be sure they are not anywhere that can cause a fire)
  7. Go for a swim
  8. Work out
  9. Grab so hot cocoa or your favorite herbal tea and watch the sunset
  10. Turn on some music and dance your stress away
  11. Watch a comedy movie (laughter is always good)
  12. Ask for a hug from your loved one
  13. Learn breathing exercises
  14. Meditate
  15. If you find cooking relaxing make your favorite meal.
  16. Play with your cat or dog
  17. If you are crafty take time to make a craft
  18. Have a glass of wine These are only a few ideas but I hope they help

Back Into The Groove Of Things

  It has been a long time since I have written anything. Unfortunately  sometimes life throws things at you and that makes you take a step back. We all have struggles that we have to face. What matters is how we react to it. It is important to take these set backs as learning experiences and learn to grow from those experiences. We must not let our past define what our future will be like  because if we do we become prisoners of our pasts. I hope I am now able to focus on this blog and maybe in my writings I may help someone who is going through something.

True Friendships

friendship As children we are encouraged to make friends. We are made to feel less of a person if we had no friends or even one friend. Some of us would wonder from click to click just trying to fit in. As an adult I realize that some of the people that I thought were my friends growing up were not actually true friends.  They always made me feel like I wasn’t pretty enough or that I was too nice.  I have learned and it is my own personal experience and beliefs that true friendships are those with people that love you no matter what. They will never judge you or make you doubt yourself. They will tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear. They are compassionate, understanding, loving, non judgmental, funny, crazy(in a good fun way), and they let you be the person that you are and still love you for it. I am grateful for those friends in my life and I cherish them very much.


Why Spiritual Angels

Why did I come up with Spiritual Angels? I feel that we live in a world that is so focused on the negative than the positive things. While yes it is important to know what is going on around us the primary focus seems to be on the bad. I wanted to create something that would be positive and hopefully motive and make people feel good. I want to be able to help people and felt this would be a good outlet for me to do that. I know that others also have this vision and look forward to them joining me and contributing to this vision as well.

What do people thank me for?

The topic of today is what do people thank me for? Well all this depends on the situation,  I have been thanked for complimenting them on something they did well, or something nice they were wearing. I also get thanked for giving words of encouragement when people are having a bad day.  When helping someone out even if it is some one I don’t know.  People thank me for holding doors open for them or letting them cut in front of me in the line at the grocery store because they have less items than me. There are many reasons I get thanked. I like to help people and I am glad that there are people that still appreciate that.

What I hate about the world

I was given this topic to write about. The word hate is such a strong an powerful word. I don’t like to say that I hate something as it sounds too harsh. Greatly dislike is probably better. So what do I greatly dislike about the world. That we are so quick to judge other people without giving it a second thought.  That people seem to go with the majority just to fit in and don’t seem to have  sense of self. That people make themselves feel good about themselves by putting others down or disliking someone because they are different.  I think it’s sad that people laugh or post videos of others mishaps and find it hilarious. Yes some are funny but the ones I am concerned about is where people seem to put themselves or are put in real danger.  Where is the empathy and compassion in the world?

Staying Positive

downloadI know that staying positive when things seem to not be going well it tough. There are many recommended things that you can do when you are feeling down and negative here are a few :

1) Replace any negative thought with a positive one.

2) Listen to music and sing along

3) Go for a walk or do some kind of exercise.

4) Get a gratitude journal. You don’t have to get anything fancy even a notebook will do. All you have to do is at the end of each day write down five things that you are grateful for now matter how little it may see.

5) Surround yourself by positive people

6) Meditate even if it is just for 5 minute.

These are just a few ideas. What kind of ideas do you have or what has worked for you?

Nothing is guaranteed

blog2z Although living a spiritual life does bring you a lot of insight it doesn’t prevent you from the error or behaviors of others. We are not responsible for the actions of others but we can learn to react in a positive way and learn from the errors of others.

Lessons Learned

Lessons LeaarnedEvery one has their ups and down. Remember that our happiness depends on each of us not on others. We all have our struggles and have been through things but we don’t have to let those things hold us back or bring us down.  Think to yourself what lesson(s) did I learn from this situation and use those lessons to help you grow as a person.